Sunday, 1 May 2011

examples of magazines matching my genre

The magazine i am researching is called INDIE. This is an independent style magazine featuring cutting edge fashion and music which focuses lesson celebrities and gossip. This is a magazine that i really like as i can relate to the models that feature on the front. I like the font that they have chosen for the mast head as it is quite plain and boring however it contrasts with the bright colours underneath. I also like how every issue has a different blast of colour. It seems colour has a lot to do with how this magazine gets noticed as this was how it caught my eye. I also like this random and quirky images they have used as this is what gives it its originality, and also the accessories that don’t seem to fit in with the magazine as i think it makes it stand out. Another thing i enjoy is how they have put writing over the top of the image of the model. Because they have done this that is the first piece of text i read as it stands out. This is quite effective and i will r
emember this when i am designing my own magazine and want my main story to stand out. This magazine style is something i really want to include in my magazine, and it is the magazine that will influence what my magazines look the most as it ticks all the box's of what my genre of music is all about, i think the colours they have used with largely influence what my finished product will turn out like as i really like this aspect of these magazine covers. The style of the models have also given me an insight of what is the kind of thing that is expected to be on my model. 


These are examples of a magazine called PAPER. On there front covers they use interesting celebrities with a large fan base there for making them eye catching and interesting to there audience as many people know who they are. On the first front cover is Lilly Allen with big bright pink hair. This looks attractive and quite unique making it a brilliant image for a front cover as this is what is going to bring in there audiences attention. On the second front cover is Ke$ha pulling a face making her look quirky and exciting giving off the impression that the magazine is also going to be like this. Also on the second front cover they have changed the style of there masthead PAPER and put it in individual coloured boxes. I like this technique as i like there use of lots of colours as this contrasts with the plain white background giving off a good effect. I shall consider this use of plain backgrounds with coloured writing in my own production however will not consider using individual boxes as i feel this makes it look quite amateur.


This is NME magazine which stands for New Musical Express. It is a very famous indi magazine and has been running for many years. This magazine is very masculine despite featuring female artists on their front covers. On the front cover above they have used female singer La Roux looking striking in her pale make up with tears coming down her face. This image is very drastic and is good for a front cover as it catches peoples eye. They have used a very dark background and contrasted it with bright yellow and white writing for the masthead there for making it very easy for there audience to identify what they are saying. There use of these colours means they look more appealing to a male audience and i personally wouldn’t want to just appeal to one sex therefore i shall be following a different colour scheme to this one how ever i do like there used on contrasting colours as this to me looks very effective.

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